Fusion Exchange

List Factory’s passion for data has led to the use of innovative data cooperatives for our clients. Our co-ops, Fusion Exchange and B2B Exchange have reinvented the way we access data with membership-based data pools in Australia.

B2C Fusion Exchange

fusion exchange data co-op
Fusion Exchange

Target millions of Australian consumers through the responsive transactional data of the Fusion Exchange consumer data pool.

Fusion Exchange is a member-only consumer data cooperative. Accessing mailing and telemarketing data is easy when you become a member of this data co-op. As a member, you will also have access to transactional data profiling, data modelling, and other data management services. With over 140 contributing members, Fusion Exchange has more than 2 million individuals, 1.3 million households, 35 million transactions, and $2.2 billion in spending.

Many sectors and organisations can benefit from joining the Fusion Exchange Data Co-operative – charities, cataloguers, retailers, and publishers are a few of the main industry verticals we specialise in.

There is no cost to become cooperative members of Fusion Exchange and when you join you will receive a free, detailed data analysis; this detailed analysis gives you further insights into your customer database to make better marketing decisions to gain new customers.

Who Can Join Fusion Exchange?

Membership is open to any organisation whose customer records comply with the data pool’s requirements as well as the privacy of personal data and other relevant legislation for Australia. To access, data members anonymously contribute their third-party privacy complaint customer information into the transactional data pool for analysis. This allows all cooperative members to rent marketing list data at discounted industry rates and reactivate lapsed customers while saving on costs and returning a better ROI.

Find out how you can join our data co-ops!